Icon System in Psychology (ISP)

A Simple Psychological Approach With Astounding Results

The Icon System in Psychology (ISP) is as straightforward as learning a school lesson and brings about a constructive change at the instinctive level of one’s personality. The results are simply astounding. This is not a trick or a temporary motivational approach; it is based on the actual psychophysiology of the mind. The theory of the Aplus component is an unprecedented discovery in the fields of psychology and mind physiology, forming the foundation of the entire process. This approach can decisively uproot various psychological issues. Additionally, since it targets the core of human psychology, it can successfully rectify several personality problems, leading to phenomenal thought control. Learn more…

Depression - Fix it Once and For All

Uproot depression and make it a thing of the past. Don’t get caught up in futile treatments and goose-chase advice. A decisive solution is here! An astounding outcome awaits. Follow the ISP approach for unprecedented results.


Anxiety - Convert it into a Composed and Peaceful emotion

Anxiety and panic attacks are simply the result of mismanaged thoughts. Take control of your thoughts. With the ISP approach, your thoughts will produce peace and self-control instead of panic and anxiety, even in the same situations.

Stress - Don't let this unnecessary emotion affect your potential

Here, you will learn that stress is not inevitable in the situations you face. Instead, you will handle difficult or hectic situations with phenomenal control over your thoughts and emotions. You will realize that your stress was unnecessary.

Relationships - Flourish with Skill

To naturally develop harmony in relationships, you need basic qualities. With the ISP approach, you will cultivate and enhance these essential qualities in your personality, fostering warm, sincere, and strong relationships with others.

Phobias - High Time to Discard them

Eliminating phobias is a straightforward aspect of the ISP approach. You don’t have to rely on traditional methods to overcome your fears and phobias. With the ISP technique, dramatic results are almost inevitable. 

Personality - Brighten and Enlighten Yourself with quality Attitudes

If you can understand the procedure of ISP, you will be able to deal with any personality disorder. It all depends on your willingness and comprehension of the ISP approach.


By Dr. Abdullah Pasha
An Unprecedented Approach for Thought Control and overcoming Any Situation
Anxiety, Depression and Phobias are Now Optional
This book explains the astounding approach of Icon Psychology

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