Icon System in Psychology (ISP) : FAQs

  • Is this a therapy which works by identifying negative thoughts and correcting them one by one?

    No, it does not work this way. Your thoughts have some foundations from where these are generated automatically. In ISP approach you change the foundations of your thoughts and as a result your automatic thoughts become healthy and your develop a mindset as you desire.

  • How can you claim that ISP is a groundbreaking approach to develop a psychologically sound mindset?

    This is based on what I know about ISP and what I have seen in my clients. The response in my clients is simply astounding. This is not a claim but a sraightforward observation.

  • Is ISP a genuine solution for anxiety, depression and other psychological problems?

    ISP or icon system in psychology is a simple approach with unprecedented efficacy in psychological problems. 

  • Is this another motivational technique?

    Self-motivation is the essential part of ISP. However it is a mechanism which makes self-motivation to be effectively incorporated in your subconscious. It naturally induces self-motivation in your personality.

  • Is it a modification of some of previous psychological approaches?

    Positive self talk, rational thinking and self motivation are some steps which might sound similar to CBT or REBT.

    However, the technique of ISP itself is something which is unprecedented. 

  • How would you compare ISP with the rest of the psychological approaches suggested by other psychologists?

    Like you compare clarity with vagueness. Also, ISP operates at the nucleus of human psychology. Rest of the approaches hover around it. 

  • How would you explain the outcome of ISP?

    By using ISP you transform. Your personality traits and instincts are the key to your actions. ISP plays a decisive role to improve them and make them efficient to deal with your situations. This also means that ISP works at the instinctive level. It changes your instincts according to your own needs, desires and circumstances.

  • Thoughts and mindset take years to change with other techniques, what about ISP?

    Thoughts and mindset do not change even after years with traditional approaches. However with ISP methodology definite and permanent improvement should be expected within a few weeks.

  • Is there any instrument, music or such thing used in this technique?

    No such things are required for ISP to develop. ISP works in a natural way. It is as simple as learning a school lesson. Positive self-talk and self-motivation are required during ISP sessions which results in incredible 0utcome and you feel absolutely charged. You might already have experienced a positive thinking approach, however when you practice the same positive thinking during ISP sessions, your spirits are supercharged. 

  • Do you recommend any medications like vitamins to enhance psychological health?

    No such recommendations are required for using ISP.

  • Can I forget horrible memories of the past?

    Memories of the past cannot and should not be forgotten or deleted from your mind. These memories which may be good or bad are signs of normal physiology and functionality of the brain. However your perception of those memories can be very effectively changed if these are unhealthy or painful for you. This means you would  recall such memories with  peace of mind and tranquility.

  • Is it a kind of positive thinking approach?

    Yes, it is. However there is a 180 degree difference between traditional positive thinking for self-improvement and the thinking by using ISP.

  • How long does it take for an ISP session to take effect?

     Few days to a few weeks; It depends upon, 

    • Your understanding of ISP 
    • Time you spare for ISP sessions
    • Amount of "psychological debt" you are having 
  • If through ISP sessions we develop new thoughts, what happens to our old mindset or thoughts? Are they discarded or do they disappear from the mind?

    The old thoughts are bypassed and become ineffective. Still you can think about those thoughts and memories which were disturbing you in the past, but after you develop a new mindset, they become inactivated and harmless.

  • Several self-help books contain similar suggestions as seen in this book. What is the difference?

    If you go through the whole book you will understand the difference. Suggestions in this book are guidelines for a behavior which you will customize for yourself. The next step is to discuss these principles positively during ISP sessions. You will experience an unprecedented outcome.

  • Why are some people more successful as compared to others?

    One of the most important reasons is they have different thinking styles. A conducive environment for success does play a definite role, however many times poor thinkers fail to translate even the favorable situation into success. On the other hand, healthy thinkers make their way to success even in difficult situations or with limited resources. Therefore your positive approach towards life and habit of healthy thinking has a fundamental role in dealing with situations more successfully and converting it in your favor. 

    The transition of mindset from unhealthy to healthy thoughts brightens your chances of success and your capability to change the situation as required.

  • Is it a kind of talking therapy?

    Yes it is. In fact, positive self-talk is the actual antidote to correct psychological problems because these problems result from negative self-talk. However, positive self-talk or positive thinking do not work most of the time. The ISP theory explains why this is the case and provides the solution.

  • Many techniques do work for people with psychological problems like CBT or psychoanalysis. How could you say no other technique works?

    Yes, there are approaches like CBT, which work to some extent and remain effective temporarily. In my view techniques which apparently work, hit the Aplus component accidentally at some point during the process. You would realize this phenomena when you will practice ISP yourselves and observe that something extraordinary is happening.

  • I don't have anxiety or depression or phobias as such, but I want to have a life full of enthusiasm and energy which I lack. Do you recommend ISP for me as well?

    Absolutely! In fact enthusiasm comes from the phenomenon when you feel control of our mind and thoughts. This would be one of greatest experience you have in your life.

  • Does ISP produce artificial confidence and euphoria which fades away when we face realities of life?

    ISP works on the ground realities of life. It does not just make you feel good. There is nothing artificial in ISP. It uproots psychological problems and puts you on track of vibrant life.

  • Is it a complex process?

    You will be amazed by the simplicity of the process of ISP. It is as simple as learning a school lesson.

  • Some approaches suggest hours of meditation or hypnosis for self-improvement. Do you believe in that?

    Such practices are not required for the process of ISP.

  • Should I talk about my depression and let others know this? I don't do this because of stigma?

    I would say Don't do this. When you can come out of it without letting others know this, why should you reveal this to the people?

  • If I follow an approach to improve myself every day bit by bit, would this work for me?

    This is one of several self-help approaches advised with frustrating outcome. In my view this cannot work.

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