Icon System in Psychology (ISP)

Icon System in Psychology (ISP) is a simple and definite approach for decisive self transformation. Although the method of of ISP is as simple as learning a school lesson, however it produces a constructive change at instinctive level in one’s personality. The outcome can be astounding. It is not a trick or just a motivational approach to produce a temporary psychological improvement, instead it is based on the actual psychophysiology of the mind. The theory of Aplus component is a discovery which is unprecedented in the field of psychology and mind physiology. The whole process is based on this theory. Anxiety, depression, phobias and stress are some of the psychological issues which can be decisively uprooted. Besides that, since this approach works at the core of human psychology, several personality problems can be successfully rectified with phenomenal thought control. 

ISP Theory Answers the Basic Questions in Psychology

The theory of Aplus component or ISP answers the following basic questions in human psychology and unveils the hidden secrets of the mind.

How does the psychophysiology of our mind work?
Where is our subconscious mind?
How we develop psychological problems?
Where exactly is the hard disk of our thoughts?
Why the capability of mind to associate things together, has a potential to decisively rectify psychological problems?
Why the existing theories and approaches in psychology lack practical applicability?
Why positive thinking and positive self talk does not work for many?
How can we eradicate psychological problems like anxiety, depression or phobias etc. and develop a vibrant personality?
Why ISP or icon system in psychology is the decisive approach to deal with the psychological issues?
How can we develop a healthy mindset which works at chemical level of brain. 

ISP Approach: The Myth Buster in Psychology

Myth: Anxiety, depression and other psychological problems are permanent and cannot be reversed.
ISP perspective: psychological problems are absolutely correctable by natural and simple ISP approach.

Myth: People with psychological problems have to linger on with psychotherapies and medications just to keep going in life.
ISP perspective: This is Wrong. ISP or icon approach rapidly and naturally results in dramatic change in one’s personality with permanent effects. The simple process of ISP may take few weeks only to produce psychological well being.

Myth: It is all about the adversities of the past of a person which generate the mental disturbances and there is no cure because our past cannot be changed.
ISP perspective: You should be able to to maintain your psychological well-being despite the adversities of the past. ISP approach offers a methodical and decisive solution for that. Whatever happened in the past, your current soundness of your mindset should remain unaffected by that.

Myth: Depression, anxiety and phobias lasting for years are obviously not curable.
ISP perspective: Duration does not matter. In icon approach, you deal with psychological problems with astounding effects, no matter how chronic they are.

Myth: It is all about our circumstances which cause psychological disturbances. Psychological well-being cannot be achieved unless the circumstances improve.
ISP perspective: These are the humans who converted several impossibles into possibles. Surrendering mentally is one of the biggest reasons that undesirable circumstances persist.

Myth: All psychotherapies are ambiguous with almost negligible results.
ISP perspective: Icon approach is not ambiguous. It is clear, simple with amazing effects.

Myth: PTSD is permanent and would continue to haunt you in your life.
ISP perspective: Incorrect: You can have have a sound, peaceful, cheerful and focused mindset despite the bad incidents of the past.

Aplus Component in psychology and ISP approach
If you can understand this simple illustration, it would dramatically improve your mindset and personality
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